Parallel Security Logo 2021
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Successful Audits all round

....... and let us start protecting what you value

Successful Audits all round

The first quarter of every year sees us sitting in hours of internal and external audits to ensure we maintain compliance to all of the certifications we hold. Managing compliance isn't a once a year job. It requires the entire team to embrace our procedures, record all data and then review the results. Corrective action can then be made by the Management Team, if required. Needless to say, 2022 has been a great year up to now and we have successfully retained all of our certifications with an increase on our ACS score also. Great work by all

Parallel currently (April 2022) hold accreditations to:

SIA ACS (Approved Contractor Scheme) for the provision of Security Guarding, Keyholding and Door Supervision

ISO9001 for the provision of Security Guarding, Keyholding & Mobile Patrols and Door Supervision

CHAS - Compliance to UK Health & Safety Legislation, SSIPS and CDM Requirements

Constructionline Silver Membership - For our investment into internal Health & Safety Procedures and Training

Constructionline Social Values - the investment and compliance into our Supply Chain

Cyber Essentials - Compliant for the use, control, storage and communication of all data

Armed Forces Convenant - Our investment into supporting ex-military personnel back into employment

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Parallel Security Logo 2021 Light

We Provide Security Services That Match Your Needs & Your Budget!

Integrity, Reliability and Quality

Fully Qualified and Accredited

Parallel Security Limited currently holds SIA Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) status for the provision of Door Supervision, Security Guarding and Key Holding
Copyrights 2021 Parallel Security
VAT: 283442692 | Company Number: 11153103
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